Staff Spotlight: Randy Neill

Title: Homelife Manager, also serves as Boys Ranch Photography Club sponsor

How long employed at Boys Ranch: 29 years

Other positions you’ve held here: My wife and I originally served as houseparents for seven years. I’ve been in my current position for seven years. The remainder of the time was spent being a community director.

Relevant qualifications/experience for your position: My wife and I raised our three children and I come from a large family, which had given me prior experience working with kids. My background was in law enforcement and I had opportunities in that work to interact with young people on a regular basis. I have done photography for 40 years. I previously photographed weddings and other special events. I started the photography club in 2012.

Immediate family members: My wife, Sherry, who has also had a career at Boys Ranch, recently retired. Together, we are parents of one daughter, Robbie, and two sons, Jason and George.

What is the best part of your job? I completely enjoy working with young people. I love helping them with struggles and helping them discover their own talents. It’s rewarding when I see them start to set priorities for their futures.

What is the most challenging part of your job? Pacing myself. Keeping up with youngsters is always a challenge!

Describe the moment you realized how important your work at Boys Ranch is to the children we serve: This first happened for me when a young person in our home had been struggling for about two years. Finally, he began to see and understand what Boys Ranch was trying to do for him. He thanked us and still tells us how lucky he was to have been here!

What inspired you to seek employment with Boys Ranch? I was tired of law enforcement, but enjoyed working with children. That led us here.

What would you most like our youth to remember about you? I hope they remember that I always had their best interest at heart.

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