Staff Spotlight: Chloe Hewitt

Title: Campus Life Supervisor

Age: 30

How long employed at Cal Farley’s: 5 years

Qualifications & experience: Bachelors Degree in Criminal Justice. I previously worked as a forensic interviewer, so I worked on crisis intervention with kids.

Immediate family members: My husband, Austin Hewitt, and my nine-month-old son, Lleyton Hewitt.

What is the best part of your job? The best part of my job is getting to spend one-on-one time with the kids on my caseload. I also love getting to do activities with the kids inside and outside of the home.

What is the most challenging part of your job? When the kids are going through a hard time, and you have to watch them walk through that season of their life. I can support and love them but cannot take away some of circumstances in their lives.

Describe the moment you realized how important your work at Boys Ranch is to the children we serve: I had a kid who had no relationship with his family when I got him on my caseload, and he began to have weekly contact with his family after I assisted the family with conference calls. I believe strengthening their family support is what will assist them the most in their future goals and relationships.

What inspired you to seek employment with Boys Ranch? I love working with kids and wanted to see what it would be like to work with kids on a long-term basis.

What would you most like our youth to remember about you? I hope they remember the way I loved them, because people remember you by how you make them feel. I want them to know they were loved unconditionally by someone.

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